
How to get the Facebook Embed Plugin working correctly again?

Same error message here as Adam. If I clear cookies / log out it works again. Not sure how long it's not worked but it was definitely working a month or so ago ...

Issue with Page plugin

Facebook Page plugin has suddenly stopped working on Firefox, Edge, iOS Safari and incognito Chrome. The plugin loads but will throw an error popup with the ...

Is there a problem with Page Plugin?

Facebook really does not want people embedding pages. I have temporarily solved the problem by adding To video this embedded facebook feed you must be LOGGED ...

Embedded FB Page Plugin will not load when logged in to Facebook

Another possibility is that your firewall or anti-virus software is blocking the plugin from loading. If this is the case, you can try adding Facebook.com as a ...

Facebook Login Error - Invalid Scopes: user_link

Thanks for alerting me to the plugin update. I just tested it and it worked for me. Was it working for you prior to the user_link error?

Facebook plugin is not installed (warning and error nach plugin ...

After I added the native facebook plugin 'cordova-plugin-facebook4' I receive following warning and error: 20:21:03] console.warn: Native: ...

Facebook Follow Button plugin doesn't allow periods in profile

I've found that any profile url I enter that contains periods (for example, http://www.facebook.com/John.Smith) will return an error. From the ...

Invalid version specified, facebook share plugin error

I want to use the facebook share plugin for the web app I am working on, I only need the basic share button. The app uses requirejs for loading javascript.

Facebook for WooCommerce plugin Critical Error

Can you please delete your wp-content/plugins/facebook-for-woocommerce folder and reinstall the plugin? The issue you've raised could be due to an outdated ...

Error Facebook Login Plugin

Hi,. i'm trying to use the Facebook Plugin to do login in my app, but this error occurred: {errorMessage:Facebook error: SERVER_ERROR: ...


SameerrormessagehereasAdam.IfIclearcookies/logoutitworksagain.Notsurehowlongit'snotworkedbutitwasdefinitelyworkingamonthorsoago ...,FacebookPagepluginhassuddenlystoppedworkingonFirefox,Edge,iOSSafariandincognitoChrome.Thepluginloadsbutwillthrowanerrorpopupwiththe ...,Facebookreallydoesnotwantpeopleembeddingpages.IhavetemporarilysolvedtheproblembyaddingTovideothisembeddedfacebookfeedyoumustbeLO...